Thursday, January 13, 2011


Straight from the workplace.

Research Internship Day 3 just finished and according to the work schedule that we planned, today is also the last day we are scheduled to come to the ISACC Office for this week. Furthermore, today is also the last day of the alloted period for reviewing literatures related for the research study we are expected to produce as we finish our internship. But anyway, I'll really tell you about stuff later and the promises I made to edit, I will.

So today, I finished all the materials I had to review with time to spare on reviewing the materials I was able to review earlier. All the fell-at-home stuff we've been doing will probably end here.

So, I had a blast with my first week or first three days rather as a research intern. Praying it all go well to the end.

P.S. Promise, I'll tell you the real deal later!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Filipino Culture (Internship Day 2)

I am rushing this, I know. I have things to attend so I'm just gonna give an overview of the first day at the organization office where we are pretty much working comfortably.

So today is RRL Day 1. I'll tell you about the schedules later. ^^.

First Day... not yet.

Although I know that I am actually 24 hours-or-so late from posting reports about my first day as a Research Intern, I still believe on the saying better late than never. But this is a requirement so I should do this, right?

Anyway... first day: Distribution of tasks. Let me elaborate on the event later.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Research Practicum

This blog which I started before as a requirement for a former subject lives again to serve the same purpose.

From here on, I will write about my experiences as a student undergoing her Research Practicum in a certain company.

This may be technical but enjoy! ^_^

Friday, September 18, 2009

LFS Celebrated 32nd Anniversary, Stormed US Embassy

Members of the League of Filipino Students (LFS) stormed the US Embassy with a lightning rally in protest of the “continued US intervention in the Philippines” last September 11, 2009 as part of their commemoration of the 32nd founding anniversary of the said militant group.

“The presence of US troops in the Philippines undermines the supposed sovereignty and the independence of the country, even more so if the presence is permanent,” said the LFS secretary general, Terry Ridon.

The group urged the scrapping of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), a military agreement between the Philippine and the US governments which the group called “one-sided and a fetter on Philippine sovereignty.”

“The continued implementation of the Visiting Forces of Agreement (VFA) and other unequal treaties with the US has taken away the victories of decade’s worth of Filipino struggle against US intervention such as the dismantling of US Bases in 1991,” added Ridon.

For Ridon’s opinion, the policies of the agreement serve the US interests at the expense of the Filipino welfare.

“After a decade since it was ratified, we ask what the people has gotten out of the VFA. The supposed aid that is being given by the US troops in Mindanao serve nothing but a smokescreen to their intervention in the country. It is nothing if it costs our freedom.”

The LFS have constantly expressed the protest against VFA viewing it as a clear evidence of US imperialism in our country.
“The people’s battle cry in the anti-bases struggle was down with the US Imperialism and that remains appropriate, if not even more so today,” says Ridon. Preceding this lightning rally, the group had always held other rallies for the same purpose of scrapping the VFA.

The group held the rally in time of the 8th year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack claiming that since after the attack, the US-Arroyo regime exposed the country to be the 2nd front on US “war on terror.”

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The Polytechnic University of the Philippines-- College of Communication (PUP-COC) community in general, expressed positive perceptions about its new program, Bachelor in Communication Research in an interview conducted by Communication Research students last
Monday, August 17, 2009.

"Okay naman siya. Maganda yung program. Pero siyempre, kailangan dapat in-tune tayo dun sa current situation; siyempre every now and then kailangan siyang mabago, kailangan may innovation," Ms. Doris Bleza, the administrative staff of the college Dean said.

Students from different departments share the positive response towards this new program of the college viewing it as in-demand to the society, relevant, useful and innovative. Emver Cortez, a third year student from the Journalism Department said that the program is a must for the College because CommRes (or communication research) is the foundation of Communication studies.

The PUP-COC offered the program Bachelor in Communication Research last June 2006 and will be producing its first batch of graduates on March 2010.