Thursday, January 13, 2011


Straight from the workplace.

Research Internship Day 3 just finished and according to the work schedule that we planned, today is also the last day we are scheduled to come to the ISACC Office for this week. Furthermore, today is also the last day of the alloted period for reviewing literatures related for the research study we are expected to produce as we finish our internship. But anyway, I'll really tell you about stuff later and the promises I made to edit, I will.

So today, I finished all the materials I had to review with time to spare on reviewing the materials I was able to review earlier. All the fell-at-home stuff we've been doing will probably end here.

So, I had a blast with my first week or first three days rather as a research intern. Praying it all go well to the end.

P.S. Promise, I'll tell you the real deal later!

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